List of rates that butchers have made public for killing animals on Eid Qurban

List of rates that butchers have made public for killing animals on Eid Qurban

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Geo Pakistan | 13th June 2024
جیو پاکستان ۔ 13 جون 2024ء

### Butcher Rates for Eid-ul-Adha 2024: Public Announcement

As Eid-ul-Adha approaches, preparations for the festival are in full swing, including arrangements for the ritual sacrifice of animals. In anticipation of the increased demand for their services, butchers across Pakistan have made public their rates for slaughtering animals. These rates are crucial for families planning to perform the Qurbani ritual, as they need to budget for both the purchase of the animal and the associated slaughtering costs.

#### Publicly Announced Butcher Rates for Eid-ul-Adha 2024

1. **Goat/Sheep**:
– **Small Goat/Sheep**: Rs. 3,000 – Rs. 4,500
– **Medium Goat/Sheep**: Rs. 4,500 – Rs. 6,000
– **Large Goat/Sheep**: Rs. 6,000 – Rs. 7,500

2. **Cow/Bull**:
– **Small Cow/Bull**: Rs. 12,000 – Rs. 15,000
– **Medium Cow/Bull**: Rs. 15,000 – Rs. 18,000
– **Large Cow/Bull**: Rs. 18,000 – Rs. 22,000

3. **Camel**:
– **Small Camel**: Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 25,000
– **Medium Camel**: Rs. 25,000 – Rs. 30,000
– **Large Camel**: Rs. 30,000 – Rs. 35,000

#### Factors Influencing Rates

1. **Animal Size and Weight**: Larger and heavier animals require more effort and time to slaughter and process, hence higher rates.
2. **Experience and Skill of Butchers**: Experienced butchers who can perform the slaughtering quickly and in accordance with Islamic practices may charge higher rates.
3. **Geographical Location**: Rates may vary between urban and rural areas, with urban areas typically seeing higher charges due to higher demand and cost of living.
4. **Timing and Availability**: Peak times, such as the first day of Eid, often see higher rates due to increased demand and limited availability of skilled butchers.

#### Public Response and Adjustments

1. **Negotiations**: Many families negotiate with butchers to agree on a reasonable price, particularly if they have multiple animals or are part of a community group.
2. **Community Butchers**: Some communities arrange for shared butchering services, pooling resources to hire butchers collectively, which can sometimes lead to reduced rates.
3. **Self-Slaughtering**: Due to high costs, some families opt to perform the slaughter themselves, adhering to Islamic guidelines and ensuring the process is done properly.

#### Recommendations for Families

1. **Early Booking**: Given the high demand during Eid-ul-Adha, families are advised to book butchers early to secure a slot and potentially negotiate better rates.
2. **Verify Skills**: Ensure that the butcher is skilled and knowledgeable about the Islamic method of slaughtering (halal) to maintain the religious significance of the Qurbani.
3. **Cost Sharing**: For large animals like cows and camels, families can consider cost-sharing with neighbors or relatives, which can also help in splitting the butchering cost.
4. **Prepare Properly**: Have all necessary tools and facilities ready for the butcher, such as knives, space for slaughtering, and water for cleaning, to ensure a smooth and efficient process.

### Conclusion

The announcement of butchering rates for Eid-ul-Adha highlights the practical considerations that families must address when preparing for the Qurbani ritual. By understanding the factors influencing these rates and planning accordingly, families can ensure they fulfill their religious duties while managing their expenses effectively. Early booking, negotiations, and community collaborations can help in securing the best possible arrangements for this important religious observance.

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